What Does My NCard Do?
The NCard is designed to be your permanent University of Nebraska-Lincoln photo identification card. It will be valid as long as you are affiliated with the University. The NCard system is campus-wide and is used by campus departments and offices for identification, authentication and access.
- The NCard should be carried when on University property and must be presented upon request.
- Misuse of the NCard may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of the NCard.
- Under the Student Code of Conduct, "it shall be an act of misconduct to loan, transfer, or alter the student NCard."

What Does My NCard Get Me Access To?
The following services are made available to students through the collection of student fees and use the NCard for authentication and access.
How Do I Make Purchases With My NCard?
NCard Account
As a registered student or faculty/staff member at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, you may open an NCard Account. Charges made using the NCard appear on the Student Accounts Consolidated Bill if you are a student or as a payroll deduction for faculty and staff. The NCard Campus Account is accepted at the following locations:
- Academic Grind - Oldfather Hall
- Alumni Association
- Architecture Media Center
- Art Department
- Athletics Concessions
- Starbucks - Nebraska and East Campus Unions
- Campus Recreation
- Chemistry Labs
- Computer Shops
- Copy Services (Business Services Complex & Unions)
- Dean of Students
- Dental Stores
- Dunkin' Donuts - City and East Campus Locations
- Enactus
- Engineering Electronics Shop
- Ground State Cafe
- Imperial Palace Express in the NE Union
- Lied Center
- NCard Office
- Nebraska Unions & Snack Shops
- Nebraska Maps & More
- PGA Golf Management
- Pixel Lab
- Ross Theater
- Chick-fil-A
- School of Music
- Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery
- Statistics
- Subway in the NE Union
- University Bookstore
- University Health Center
- University Housing Dining Services
- University Housing Snack Bars
- University Libraries
- UNL Computer Stores
- UNL Dairy Store
Discover these hidden ways to use your NCard around town
This list includes on and off-campus places to use your NCard. This list is not maintained by UNL or the NCard office.